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Medical shops are facing a great challenge nowadays

Reading time: 7 min

„This is not the time for promotion and brand building…”

In our opinion, it is just the opposite. For sure, we have never been in such a situation before. Nevertheless, now more than ever, private medical sector may win or lose.

McGraw-Hill Research Institute has carried out an analysis of 600 companies from 16 different branches at the time of crisis between 1980-1985. The results were clear. B2B companies which had increased or maintained the expenses for the promotion during the crisis, had bigger sales during and 3 years after the crisis in comparison to the competition that had saved money.

It is worth considering the situation in a matter-of-fact way. Since most of the companies have cut the costs on marketing, it is easier for your own company to grow in consumer’s mind. It is a great opportunity to show the power and stability of your business. The costs of production and advertising media are decreasing, so this time is perfect for investments.
If the company does not invest in marketing and digital transformation, its communication reaches a lower number of potential customers and thus it is losing the market. The competition is winning.

Private medical sector is a difficult market with fierce competition
Medical business belongs to the most demanding industries in terms of marketing and promotion. Digitalisation of selling is slow. Current situation has dramatically changed the customer’s expectations of this sector.

Digital transformation of a medical shop or a private medical centre must be carried out sensibly. This branch is conservative and it has to be taken into consideration. The winners are those whose businesses undergo a digital transformation and increase online sales.

We do not save money on our health. Costs do not matter. However, a proper product placement as well as the partnership with medical community is vital. A suitable loyalty and discount programme is fundamental. Moreover, a medical business should focus on consumer relations and listen to doctors’ needs.

There will be a permanent change in shopping habits
37% of the interviewees claim that at present shopping online is safer than in a stationary shop. These interviewees include Internet users between 35-44 years old as well as people from towns (52%). As much as 70% of those who stocked up online think that this way of shopping is safer.

People are quickly switching to online shopping
This phenomenon is especially important when we think of elderly people whose children or grandchildren help them do the shopping. Some of e-commerce sectors got into trouble, for example the companies from HoReCa, whereas the sales in medical shops, online pharmacies, pet shops and dietary supplement shops have increased over 70%.

We help the medical sector undergo a digital transformation

Suppose we have an online orthopaedic shop with assistive devices for adults and children. Then, we begin with a marketing plan with a low budget, canvass for customers step by step and we build brand awareness on the Internet.

We have been carrying effective product campaigns on the Internet for years. A well-planned Google Ads campaign is the main source of customer flow and finalised purchase. It is worth focusing on concrete product campaigns based on real-time analytics.

It’s product promotion, motivation for purchase and increased customer flow through the users who eagerly shop online as a result of clicking the ad. Such campaigns generate the largest (around 70% of revenues) number of visits and the highest revenues.


Contact us. Let us help you earn money during digital revolution.
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+48 530 318 786

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